News and Blogs

Seven Effective measures for generating actionable insights in a patent landscape reports

Patent Landscape report is an effective decision making tool for organizations when they plan to enter a new technology segment or would like to retrospect their market position with respect to key competitors and recent entrants in an already existing space. These reports provide an overview of data charts and technical trends providing insights into Technology evolution, Top players, Key Inventors, Competitive insights, White spaces, Most cited patents. It may be interesting to note that majority of the landscape reports have huge technical data but still miss-out on answering key business questions.

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  • Oct 22, 2021
Biosequence searching…….. Understanding the basics

Biosequence searching is a very niche domain in biotechnology that involves searching of sequences including nucleic acid and amino...

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  • Sept 9, 2020
Mutation Surveillance using COVID19....... (Drugs and vaccines)

Biosequence searching is a very niche domain in biotechnology that involves searching of sequences including nucleic acid and amino...

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  • My 21, 2020
Technology Landscaping…….. Getting it right

Technology landscapes are the best known tools for reviewing technology insights/ trends based on Patent research, Scientific Literature...

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  • April 5, 2020
Examination 2020 Notification:

The Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (Patent Office of India) announced the date...

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  • 28.06.2020
How to conduct sequence based patent searches in biotechnology domain..

Sequence based search are key in establishing patentability of novel sequences...

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Freedom-to-Operate (FTO) or Clearance search strategies for avoiding....

Freedom-to-operate (FTO) or clearance search is one of the most crucial exercise for any innovative business...

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A comprehensive approach to sequence based FTO search (Freedom-to-operate)....

Sequence based search is an essential activity in biotechnology domain in current era of genomic...

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