Portfolio Analysis

Do you need to understand competitor/ collaborators IP portfolio including Filing trend, Legal status split, Technology coverage, Product-patent mapping?

IP Portfolio analysis includes detailed review of patents assigned to a corporate/ competitor to draw key insights associated with the portfolio (e.g. Filing trend, Jurisdiction coverage, Legal status split, Technology split). Such IP portfolio is required primarily in two different scenarios: (A) When a corporate wants to conduct a comprehensive review of its own IP in-order to bring out insights/ strength/ short-coming and associated optimization (B) Due-diligence exercise wherein corporate wants to prepare a complete blue-print of competitor’s patent assets in situations like – mergers, collaborations, competitive review, infringement analysis or in the anticipation of a litigation. Portfolio analysis reports are built by categorizing the IP into different technology segments and consumer applications to bring out technical and bibliographic insights. Below are the primary reasons for conducting an IP Portfolio analysis:

  • Mapping IP to specific technologies for assessing strengths & weakness
  • Identifying commercially valuable IP linked to products/ research pipeline
  • Identification of licensing opportunities
  • Identification of potential infringers with products mapping to the claims

Our team of technical experts has extensive experience in conducting both the IP portfolio analysis and the comparative portfolio analysis among different competitors. It is very important to understand various subsidiaries/ acquisitions before initiating the portfolio analysis as these could potentially also be the part of overall IP and may be critical in overall harmonization of IP assets. Crucial step in the portfolio analysis is to clearly segregate the IP into potential technology segments and further division into relevant solutions as there may be substantial overlap. As corporates may have different ways of clustering technology, services and products, it is important to have a strong technology segmentation that is comparable across technology competitors. Both bibliographic and technology trends are equally important in such projects to bring out various parameters that may be used for portfolio pruning and technology benchmarking within an organization or with top competitors.