Partner Scouting

Are you looking for a suitable partner that fits into your business requirement based on Technology domain, IP coverage, Compatible products & services?

Partner scouting exercise is conducted to identify potential research/ technology partners or acquisition targets that may provide competitive advantage in any specific technology domain. Innovation ecosystem in every organization is built either around building in-house research capabilities or strategic collaborations/ acquisitions. Open innovation model has become increasing popular for corporates to tap external ideas/ innovation/ technologies in addition to internal research as research universities, research institutes, start-ups push for new innovations. Open innovation leads to more sustainable business environment as big corporate are getting involved in academic partnerships, joint ventures, public sector partnerships, research accelerators/ incubators. Below are the primary reasons for conducting Partner Scouting exercise:

  • Identification of compatible research/ technology partners
  • Short-listing valuable acquisition targets
  • Open innovation collaborations

Our team of technical experts have provided valuable insights/ information in supporting many corporates that are looking for a suitable collaborative partner/ acquisition target. We conduct comprehensive research based on specific parameters including Patent strength (intellectual property), Research focus, Disruptive/incremental innovation, Market advantage. Key focus is laid on small research groups/ start-ups with strong technology/ technical competencies while conducting such projects for better negotiation scenarios for our clients. Report included head-to-head benchmarking of all possible candidates based on pre-defined parameters (e.g. IP strength, Production capacity, Experience, Next-generation technologies, Conflict of interest). Our technical team highlights each of the potential players based on various benchmarking parameters as strong, medium, and weak for better decision making.